Automotive companies have traditionally focused on building their brand in order to increase sales of new vehicles. In fact, they have worked relentlessly to enhance the way such vehicles are marketed and sold. In recent years cars have gained more stability the average lifetime of vehicles has increased dramatically over the past few years. This paradigm shift in the value chain of cars has changed various constituents in the automobile business. Particularly with respect to car parts and after sales market where the change is most visible with key indicators of this shift being
- Increasing spare parts market
- The expansion of the secondary car market
- The changing nature of auto financing
- Collaborative usage and pay per use
As the obvious outcome of the increased car lifetime and a renewed emphasis on the aftersales market, the business of car spare parts has gained huge momentum. But with the increased focus and boost in sales, the market for car spare parts and accessories is also facing the challenge of maintaining accuracy in respect of the supply of parts for different and new updated car models. As cars are now rolling out frequent updates and lifestyle enhancements, getting accurate parts for each subsequent model is often becomes challenging for the customers.
Key challenges faced by the car parts industry
In this context, it is important to take note of the most crucial challenges faced by the present-day car parts market. With automobiles and technology constantly evolving it has made cars parts more sophisticated and difficult to access. While automobile brands are trying to extend their market presence with quality parts and accessories built to fit their own vehicle makes, often the delivery of inaccurate parts makes the service suffer causing more delay.
For authentic and accurate car parts to reach customers through a supply chain a validation process and a detailed database of the car parts of various models and their upgrades is crucial. As the car parts market is increasingly getting complex with the introduction of new technologies, quality standards and several subsequent updates of each model, getting the service with accurate parts often faces delay. For unfit car parts reverse logistics is equally important to exchange them in time. Efficient data management is extremely important to validate the recommendation of car parts and authenticity of the brand. Lastly, a smooth and connected data platform to curb the differences in prices of parts is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction to the optimum level.
To help customers getting actual car parts required for their models, at present, there is no proper and comprehensive data platform in place. Naturally, often new and updated car models when requiring service or repair or any replacement of parts, often struggle with the availability of accurate and model-specific parts. Receiving car parts for older versions that are rendered misfit for the latest models is a common occurrence now. The delivery of an inaccurate part causes unnecessary expenditure in logistics while undermining the service experience severely at the same time.
AutoDAP: the Data accuracy platform
With all the trends showing that the after-sales car market is booming with the broader customization options and improved car lifetime. To keep in sync with the increased service and car parts requirements faced by the market we need to take quality measures to ensure authenticity and accurate identification of parts have become equally crucial now.
As the first-ever precision-focused data management platform for car parts AutoDAP can help the parts identification and validation with a whopping 90% accuracy. For the first time, AutoDAP enables identifying automobile parts for respective vehicles for purposes ranging from repair to value additions to parts replacements. The app authenticates vehicle parts through a robust vehicle data search function in fully documented JSON enabled web API with RAML documentation.
Some of the key features offered by the AutoDAP include the following:
- Identifying passenger cars through License plate by VIN to KBA number (HSN/TSN), VIN to VAG PR numbers and VIN to Equipment code
- It also identifies VIN to Transmission, Body Type, Engine Code, Rim, Tire and Emission standard.
- It offers VIN to OE Number Lookup by OE categories/ non-OE Assembly groups.
- The search function is also fully customizable as per user requirement
AutoDAP through accurate identification of car parts is capable of reducing return cases by 80% or more.
For more information please get in touch with us at info@autodap.parts